Brow Lift
Brow lift is a treatment in the sector of plastic surgery which is also known as forehead lift. The treatment method’s basic part is that it tightens the tissue of the region around the forehead, eyebrows and upper eyelids.
Why is Brow Lift done?
Brow lift is a treatment of the problems that occurs with ageing can be treated and slowed down, like-
- The horizontal lines across the forehead which are called wrinkles.
- The lines on the bridge of the nose and between the eyes.
- It is also used to improve the vertical creases that get developed between the eyebrows known as the frown lines.
- It also raises the sagging brows that cover the upper eyelids.
- The placement of the eyebrows can be changed and placed in a better position which suits the face of the patient.
This treatment is basically done to get a youthful look. As with the ageing the eyebrows move down the orbital rim of the face into a saggy position with a lateral movement. The brow lift treatment places the eyebrows above the orbital rim in a position a bit higher than the medial ends. This eyebrow lift treatment raises the upper portion of the face and gives the patient a youthful look. This is one of the most commonly used cosmetic treatment method to remove the tiring look from the face of the patient.
The brow lift surgery is carried out by surgeon who will manoeuvre the tissue and after that, that part of the tissue and skin will be removed which is responsible for causing the wrinkles and the deep frowns. Other than this the face is also lifted and also the nose is reshaped depending on the type of treatment needed by the patient to get the desired look. This is done in a such way that when the brow lift treatment in Delhi is done then only the forehead or eyebrow region is not treated but the whole face gets the younger look. There are broadly two methods by which the forehead lift or eyebrow lift treatment is done –
- The classic lift.
- Endoscopic lift.
The Classic Lift method involves the continuous incision which begins at the level of ears and goes up around the level of the hair line. The incision in line is moved depending on the hair line of the patient so that the scars are not visible and that they are avoided. The scars are mainly hidden in the hair. The classic brow lift method also is subdivided into some methods, such as –
- Direct Brow Lift is the method as its name suggests, here the incision is made in the region of the forehead where the horizontal crease lines are available directly or behind the eyebrows directly if the patient have thick eyebrows which is dependent on the patient. This method is mostly preferred by the surgeons because it has several advantages over other methods. The surgeon while using this method gets good control over it as it is directly done and since the tissue and the skin are to be removed and this method helps in getting the right estimation of the amount of tissue and skin to be removed. Besides this the contour of the eye brows and also the degree to which the eye brows are to be lifted can be decided before hand and this helps in getting the perfect lift and the one desired by the patient. The only thing that cannot be done using this method is that one cannot raise the hairline using this method. This method is usually preferred to be used for the male patient.
- Indirect Brow Lift method is quite similar to the direct brow lift method but the basic difference between these methods is that in this method the incision is made in a horizontal crease of the forehead which is not behind the eyebrows but above the eyebrows. This is used over patients who have thin eyebrows because if the patient having thin eyebrows undergo direct brow lift treatment then the scars after the treatment will not get concealed behind the eyebrows. Hence this is a preferred for the patient with thinner eyebrows. The major drawback of this method is that the patient after the treatment will get only the brows lifted but the wrinkles on the forehead are not treated and also the scars are not hidden very well. This method is also usually used for the male patient. It is used for female patients if they have higher hair line. This method is preferred because the results of this method are long lasting and the shape of the eyebrows can be decided using this method.
- Pretrichial Brow Lift method is not that used commonly because of its lack of efficiency. The incision in this method is made on the anterior region of the hairline and sometimes also into the hairline taking a few millimetres into it. The brow gets lifted and along with it the tissue is removed which leaves scars which have to be covered by styling the hair forward so that the scar gets concealed. For this region it is less preferred and even if used, it is used for patients with thick hair and wide forehead because after the treatment with the lift in the eyebrows the hairline gets lowered. While doing the brow lift treatment in Delhi using this method no special instrument is used but general anaesthesia is needed to be used.
The Endoscopic Lift method has the prime difference from classic lift method that the incision here is not continuous and the incisions are made several times which are smaller and shorter into the scalp and inside the skin. After the incisions are made the surgeon inserts an endoscope which has a tiny camera attached to the end of a thin tube and also has a light into one of the incisions which helps the surgeon to view the tissues and muscles from the screen and at the same time another device is inserted in another incision to make the necessary alterations to be made. Once the alterations are done small anchors are used to make the offending tissue secure so that the tissues can remain under control for years. Since the incisions in eyebrow treatment in Delhi are smaller and so the procedure becomes less invasive and the scars are at their minimum stage. Besides the recovery time of the scars are less for they are small. This brow treatment is mainly used for the patients who have less sagging of the eyebrows and also can be used to lift the forehead but much of the scalps cannot be removed using this method. At the beginning sutures and screws are used to keep the tissue lifted which are later removed. This method is also known as limited incision eyebrow lift.
The cost of brow lift treatment in India depends on the method used and also on the surgeon. Besides these two factors it also depends on the city where it is done and also on the factor that whether the alterations done are preferred by the surgeon or are self-tailored. Having looked over all these factors the surgeons in India tries their best to give the best brow lift treatment in Delhi possible and the eyebrow lift treatment cost ranges from USD 2000 to higher ranges.
In India the city most preferred for this treatment in Delhi because here the treatment is very efficient and the after effects are good to compared to other cities. The patients can return to home after the eyebrow lift treatment in Delhi on the same day itself as the surgery takes around 4-5 hours. The patient can return for doing their normal activities after 5-6 days and all the swelling and other problems vanish after 6-8 weeks. The brow treatment in Delhi is also preferred because most of the surgeons here use the 3-D animation to show the after effects and the result of the treatment beforehand to the patient so that they can know exactly how they are going to look after the treatment. The efficiency here is high as well as after treating there will be no side effects on the eyesight which is a usual concern of the patients. The sutures and screws if used in the treatment also do not take much time to be removed. The wounds heal within the 5th to 10th of the treatment and those can be removed within this range of time which also helps the patient to return to their usual lifestyle in short period of time. All these efficiencies and all these treatments can be received in an affordable range of price. The brow lift treatment cost in Delhi starts from the price of INR 1,00,000 which is USD 1700 that is even less than compared to the average price range in India.
You can look young and rejuvenated and remove your tiring look from your face at a low price that too with great efficiency. With this treatment method you no more have to worry about the wrinkles over your face. Look young, stay young.